Sunday, June 7, 2015

Dear Haters

Dear Haters,
I have HATED MYSELF ALL BECAUSE OF YOU! For years and years I literally thought I was the UGLIEST creature to ever walk this planet because of things YOU said to me.
I cut myself, my wrists, my legs, my stomach, anywhere I could cover up easily so my mother wouldn't ask about it. I would turn up the sound on my television so no one would hear me cry myself to sleep. I BEGGED my mother to let me stay home from school so I didn't look at your faces and listen to your cruelty behind my back cause you were to much of a PANSY to say it to my face!
I used to look in the mirror and ask myself what was wrong with me, why do people hate me, am I to different, am I really that ugly, do I really look like a beached whale... I couldn't figure out what possessed these people to pick on me for my brain, my weight, my smarts, my imagination, anything that was different.
I remember there was a time where I didn't pick up a book or a pencil and paper in school because I couldn't deal with all the back lash from all of you people making me feel like I was stupid and disgusting! From the start of school I have listened to your snickers and comments about me and I'm sick of it, I'm two years out of high school and I STILL deal with you and your bile filled hate speech.
  • You're fat
  • You're to different
  • You need to go die
  • I hate you because of your size and the way you speak about things like you know more than I do
  • You're so stupid why even bother
And so many more...
Despite all this, all the nights I have cried, the pain I have inflicted on myself because of you, the mind games I still play with myself because of the things you have told me all these years....I forgive you.
I forgive you for making me feel like I would never be good enough for anyone because of who I am, for making me feel like I am so ugly no one could ever love me, that if I did find someone who loved me they would leave me because I was to different, that I was worthless because I was born.
I forgive every single person who called me names, treated me bad and caused me to think I am ugly, never believing people who say good things about me because only people who pity me would do that. I do not hate you for not wanting to understand me or be friends with me.
There is something I will not stand for though...acting like these things never happened and trying to be all unicorns and rainbows towards me now. I will not stand for people like you, that is why you are NOT in my life and NEVER will be.
I have become a better person because of you, I have grown and surpassed anything you ever thought I could be and do because of the hate you poured into my veins through my ears. I have begun to see myself differently, to love the body I am in and treat it with the respect it deserves as I become the best version of myself with so much help from you that you don't even realize because in your mind "it never happened".
I am who I am today because of you and I forgive you and release that part of my life to rid my energy of all the hate so I can move up and beyond you and your low vibrations.
Thank you, really.

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

On my mind recently

6/3/2015 1:21 A.M.

Okay so I know the jury is still out on how people are reacting to Caitlyn Jenner making her debut in this world but I agree with those people who consider her a hero because she is a hero in the transgender community because she spoke out and said "This is who I am and who I have always been".  For some people in the community that is something they could never do to their family and close friends let alone the entire world as she did.

Just because she wasn't a solider who was in the line of duty and got injured like Noah Galloway or any other solider past present and future doesn't mean she isn't a hero.  Hero's come in all shapes and sizes, I have saved a few of my friends from committing suicide, people see me as a hero for it.  A friend of mine saved kids on his school bus after is wrecked, Caitlyn is a voice for people and a role model in the trans community now and that is heroic.  For people to say she isn't a hero is a form of bullying to be honest to those people who think she is.

I think religion and personal views need to be left at the door on this one because if I believe she is a hero no one can tell me she isn't because of who she used to be or because of "God's Law" or whatever else people want to say.  My heros are not your heros and they never will be.  You believe she isn't a hero because of X, Y, Z but I believe she is because of X, Y, Z.  You have your opinion and I have mine, do not shove your opinion down my throat and I won't shove mine down yours.

If she is not your hero that is fine but don't tell people they can't see her as a hero because of her choices, who she was, your religious views, your social standings, your political views or anything because we are all entitled to our opinions and our feelings on certain things.  You can write about your opinion as I am doing now.

If you think you can shove your opinion down my throat you are wrong because as the human species we have the ability and need to form our own opinions and beliefs about the world and individuals therefor if you try you will be met with more resistance than you ever could imagine and I will blatantly tell you to back off of my views, beliefs and opinions because they are mine and no one can make me believe something I don't believe in just as I can not make you believe in something you don't believe in.

Respect eachother's opinions and beliefs because we are individuals and create our own beliefs and opinions because our brains are not all the same.  Tell about why she isn't your hero but don't tell others she isn't their hero too simply because you don't see her as one.

Acceptance is key in this day and age, accept other's choices and move on, don't wallow in pity and hatred, understand that your choices are not theirs and Caitlyn chose what was best for her because of her beliefs, opinions and feelings.  Coexist people, please.

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Self Appreciation

12:03 AM 5/20/2015

So  here recently I have come to the conclusion that I need to stop thinking about what everyone else wants for me, what other's think of me, how others think I am.  I am me and if you don't like it I'm not sorry for being the person I am because you aren't sorry for molding me into what I am.

I have had so many people leave me because they found out who I was on the inside.  I am strong, determined, creative, sensitive, worried, afraid and independent.  All of those scare the hell out of people but I know it take a certain type of person to deal with me and hardly anyone wants to even try to understand me because of how opinionated I am about literally everything.

 People think I am a bitch because I stand my ground when I know something is right because of all the research I have done.  I am not like others in my generation because I actually care about what is going on in this world and I see outside the bubble our society has created for us to live in.

When I look at this world I see it through a looking glass much like Alice did when she first stepped through the looking glass into Wonderland.  I am looking back into the world Alice left, the grey world of rain and drab and acceptance to the ways of everyone else, a world of plastic look a likes who don't know what it means to be your own person.

The world I am in is vibrant with people from every religion and ethnic group all living in peace and harmony, exotic colors splashed around in the most perfect pattern ever known to man, smells of every region of the world, spices in the warm sun letting off their fragrance, fruits and vegetables just teeming with vibrancy and life, no meat shops because life is sacred and cherished.  There are no people dying from hunger or ailments.  It's the perfect world and everyone is allowed to join if only they would notice what the heck is going on outside of their bubble and come through the looking glass and join me.

I love myself, I never used to love myself and I was in a very dark place.  I was on the verge of ending it all a few times because I had let others beat me down over and over and over not ever looking up always thinking I was wrong in everything I said.  I was a loner child with a high IQ and low popularity.  I was the kid no one would talk to because I was weird and others felt like I was radiating a weird feeling.  Well now I don't care what others think because the love I have for myself surpasses any hate they have for me.

Saturday, May 9, 2015

Fruits and veggies are your friends

Fruits and veggies are your friends unless you are on the Standard American Diet or SAD for short.  Then fruits and veggies are your worst enemy because 'they don't taste good', 'they're to expensive', 'there's no protein in them so why eat them', 'they're carbs and carbs are bad.'  All of the preceding statements I even thought were true at one point and time in my life.  This of course was before I went vegetarian about four months ago.

When I first started I used cheese on EVERYTHING that was an unfamiliar vegetable but now I have learned that the flavor of veggies are unique  and delicious.

I did this for health reasons and I may not see the shifting of major pounds on the scales but I am feeling a lot better.  It's a daily struggle but I will be strong.

Friday, May 8, 2015

Get Your Geek On

5/9/2015  1:14 AM

So I'm a geek and I know it.  I mean I watch BBC America because it plays Doctor Who and Star Trek: The Next Generation.  I am a huge fan of both of those shows and have been since I was little.

 I guess I have been a gothic nerd/geek since I was born.  I grew up listening to Styx, AC/DC, Ozzy, Black Sabbath, Metallica, Pink Floyd and all of the other bands which paved the walk way for all the heavy metal bands known today by today's youth.

I have been brought up on the arts, reading, writing, drawing, music and when I have children they will be brought up in a similar fashion as I was because I felt it allowed me to grow and become who I am today no matter how much others tell me I am wrong.  I will allow my children to be as bright, colorful, creative, and individualized as they want because I will not have children who follow the social norms because it is easy and there is no work involved.

 I want them to find themselves within their imagination like I did, and when they come home explaining how people have been mean to them because of how they act, dress, speak or anything they do I will cuddle them close and tell them it will be okay simply because I am okay and I went through the exact same thing when I was their age.  I will tell them they are just scared of their creativity and not sure how to take them because they are all the same and they don't know how to take things that are different but they will come to understand at some point.  Till then just tough it out and be yourself because you are perfectly imperfect and always will be.

And if that makes me weird and an uber geek then so be it!  I will let my Freak Flag Fly and Get My Geek On till the day I die and I don't care who dislikes me because of it!

Question for the masses

5/8/15 7:50 PM

So this is a short one for you guys, whoever reads this blog.  I want to know how your day is going, I want to start an ongoing conversation between all of us as to how we are doing and become an extended family of sorts.  Please, leave me a comment if you read this telling me how your day went.

Wednesday, May 6, 2015


5/6/2015 5:48 PM

So it has come to my attention not to recently that some people feel like nothing is complete in their lives without trolling on the internet.  I know I am not the most fit person on the face of this planet but I am trying and doing things slowly and with deliberation.  Others who are already at their peak and love themselves need to be celebrated if they are helping others like some people I follow on social media.

The person in question is a fully raw vegan and she is beautiful.  People say she has jaundice, is anorexic, is not real.  But she doesn't have jaundice, it's called lighting on a darker skin tone.  She isn't anorexic, she loves her body and doesn't like the idea of anyone self harming by restricting calories, purging or anything else associated with an eating disorder.  She is very real, she gives people advice on how to become the best version of themselves as they can be.

I am not fully raw vegan but I am a vegetarian by choice and I love it.  I tried eating chicken the other day and the texture and flavor made me sick.  I did this for me and my health and I will continue to do it for me and my health.  I love the way I feel and I have no reason to stop.


5/6/2015 3:02am

Why am I still awake, why am I not asleep curled up under my blankets dreaming of my boyfriend and our future?

I will tell you why I am awake...  Nightmares, night terrors that nothing but being in someone's arms will ever help.

Here recently nothing has helped, I fell asleep on skype with my bf and he stayed on with me almost an hour and i woke up twice almost screaming and crying.

Every night it is something different.  Last night it was my family being tortured before my eyes and I was stuck behind a plate of thick glass, they didn't even know I was there.  Tonight it was my sister being raped as she cried out for me to help her but I was tied down and couldn't get loose.  Things like this when it's hurting others or animals no matter who it is, they are what get me the most.  I could care less if you hurt me but hurt my family and we have a problem.

I just can't help but worry that the might terrors are a bad omen for problems to come in the family...

Guess I should try and go back to bed even if I don't sleep.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Spiteful Bile Spewing Creatures

Sometimes I wonder why the world is still such a cruel place to those of society who are different. I have very little faith in humanity anymore because of the hurtful and spiteful people who have never walked a thousand miles in the oppressed person's shoes before they spew their searing daggers of bile and repulsion. Their words cut deeper than any blade ever could, creating a living wound from which they bleed every day not blood of their physical body but blood of their spiritual, mental, emotional bodies in many different ways. Following them everywhere they go those wounds bleed bright colors of the true self they have to hide because of hateful creatures who roam this Earth to disgusted by themselves that they have to take it out on others just to feel better about what they see before them in the mirror, the monster they really are. These people who will become the future of our society very soon who do not understand others in different cultures, different living situations, different religious views, different gender identifications, different sexual preferences, different anything! Those people make me wonder how much longer anyone slightly different will be able to survive in this world, not just this country but the whole world. It makes me worry about my future and possible children's future and the future of everyone I know. I just wish there was something I could do. Society needs to learn love and understanding as those of us who already have those qualities know how to use them....